For Your Meditation ........
Before The One Who Is Mystery
Holy One, Mystery, Caring God ....
Now I know that you are always greater than anything I can think or imagine, and for this I am most grateful.
I am glad that I can not locate you, define you, describe you. I used to worry about self-identity, about who I was. Now I am glad not to know, and I can thank you for the mystery of my being....
I do not know how much longer I shall live,
nor what shall become of me.
I do not know if the way I am trying to live now really is your will.
You have shown me something of the depths of self-deception that are in me, and I may still be deceiving myself.
But what I do know is that you are the God of every situation, God in our darkness drawing us to light,
God in our sinfulness offering us healing,
God in our self-deception leading us into truth, God who is for us, even when we are against ourselves.
So I know that even if I am unwittingly deceiving myself, if I follow what truth there is in me, then you will draw me further into your truth, and that there is no situation, no state, no place I can reach where you will not still be closer to me than I am to myself.-- adapted from Gerard W. Hughes in "God, Where Are You?"
(Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd., 1997) p.269f.
Of all the medicines in the world
Myriad and various
There is none like the medicine of Truth
Therefore, O followers, drink of this.
-- Dhammpada
From "Buddha Speaks," edited by Anne Bancroft, 2000. Shambhala Publications, Boston,
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