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We affirm that we have the power
The power is already in each one of us. It is a drive towards wonder, and health, a deep sense of what is best for us. It resides in our true self.
created in us by God
It is given to us by our very conception and birth and according to some spiritualities it is the spark of divine life in each of us. Different spiritualities speak of it in different ways. It is part of the creative activity of the Holy one continuously at work in the universe.
to take charge of our own lives
There are moments in our lives when there is an imperative to stand up for something, to claim who we are and to take responsibility for our lives without blaming the past. For part of who we are is made up of our own personal histories and not of "what if things had been different." Every human being is born and raised in the midst of myriad dysfunctions.
and to stop being dependent
There is appropriate dependence and inappropriate dependence.
for our self-esteem or our security.
Inner security rests on the truth of who one is and where one stands in relationship to him/herself, the world and to God. Persons who have this security (feel good about themselves and have a healthy self-acceptance) are able to grow spiritually and allow the Spirit to lead them.

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